HB396 makes absentee voting accessible to all AL voters

During the 2020 General Election, Alabama Voters demonstrated their commitment to democracy by voting in record-breaking numbers during the tumultuous conditions of the worst pandemic in 100 years. The total number of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election was 2,329,114, the largest total number of votes ever cast during an election in Alabama! In 2020, Absentee Voting became a very popular method of voting for the elderly and immunocompromised, as well as people who didn’t want to expose themselves to the deadly coronavirus at their polling place. Out of the total ballots cast for the 2020 General election, 305,662 (or 13.1% of the total vote) were cast using the absentee voting process.

The great news is that Secretary of State Merrill certified Alabama’s 2020 General Election results without identifying any voter fraud! Even with the record-breaking number of votes, Alabama’s voting system is secure.

We applaud Secretary of State John Merrill’s support of no-excuse absentee voting legislation introduced by State Representative Laura Hall (House Bill 396) to make permanent a small change in election law. The process to request an absentee ballot, while still requiring official ID, would no longer require the applicant to furnish an excuse to obtain an absentee ballot. The League of Women Voters of Alabama supports no-excuse absentee voting. Alabama citizens, many of whom have transportation, mobility, and health issues, should be able to decide for themselves whether they would prefer to vote by absentee ballot.

Alabama’s election system is one of the most secure in the nation. With paper ballots, a voter identification requirement, and a secure chain of custody of those ballots, it is impossible to commit any significant level of election interference or manipulation in this state. The state should take advantage of this fine system, and give our citizens the right to determine their own means of participation.

On Wednesday, February 24 LWVAL President Barbara Caddell submitted a letter of support for HB396, that was read into the record, underscoring our belief in the importance of passing no-excuse absentee voting to ensure that all eligible voters have the ability to participate in the electoral process.

Today we urge you to contact your representative in Montgomery to let them know you support HB396 and that they should vote “yes” to expand voter access to the ballot box through no-excuse absentee voting. (If you’re not quite sure what to say when contacting your representative check out our helpful guide on social media.)