HB129 ensures fewer residents lose their license for non-driving offenses

HB129 ensures fewer residents lose their license for non-driving offenses

For many people, a driver’s license is not only the only legal way to be able to drive, but it is also their only form of legal ID. What if you suddenly didn’t have a license? You would not be able to legally drive your child to see a doctor if your child became sick. You could not go to a school to meet with a teacher about your child’s special needs. You would not be able to present an ID to vote. You would not be able to drive to work, nor operate equipment on the job (for example, construction equipment) required by your employer. You could lose your job.
woman writing at table

HB396 makes absentee voting accessible to all AL voters

During the 2020 General Election, Alabama Voters demonstrated their commitment to democracy by voting in record-breaking numbers during the tumultuous conditions of the worst pandemic in 100 years. The total number of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election was 2,329,114, the largest total number of votes ever cast during an election in Alabama! In 2020, Absentee Voting became a very popular method of voting for the elderly and immunocompromised, as well as people who didn’t want to expose themselves to the deadly coronavirus at their polling place. Out of the total ballots…